August 13, 2021

Do we really understand the full effect of using Sarms in humans?

SARMs have been a trending lifestyle factor within the last two decades, influencing a big part of human health. SARMs have some similarities to steroids, but they are not the same thing. They have a rather peculiar way in which they work. They work directly with your androgen receptors, which leads to changes within your DNA, which influences muscle development.

The main changes are the increase of muscles’ growth ability. Steroids don’t focus on one section like your muscles; they can also have an adverse effect on other parts of your body.

SARMs and Steroids

Since SARMs are more selective in the tissues that they change, it is presumed to be way better than steroids. With SARMs, you don’t have to worry about any other chain of reactions, especially when you have specific goals and targets for your muscles. Compared to steroids, SARMS are not injected into the body. They are taken in the form of a pill.

Is SARMS Legal?

As much as there is so much craze for using SARMs, it is essential to note that they haven’t had approval for human consumption from regulators. This brings in a lot of questions regarding the safety of ingesting the drug. Is it more of a safety concern or lack of enough data from research to prove if it should be approved on a federal level? To get to the bottom of this, you will have to understand the full effects of using SARMs.

Online searches on the use of SARMs have steadily risen, with more people trying to find better alternatives to steroids to get safe muscle growth. Since it is not regulated, it has become much harder to know how many people buy them for personal use. Some research from urban areas shows that consumption of SARMs can be higher than cocaine or MDMA.

Whether it is legal or not is not entirely clear, but it is not regulated makes it a potential illegal drug. Without a doubt, health regulatory bodies see it as a threat to their cause if it is not regulated. Crackdowns on SARMs have been common, especially in the US, but it has never been official on the main reason for these raids.
According to the FDA, SARMs might contain dangerous ingredients that may be detrimental to consumers. Since the SARMs are often used on non-regulated body-building supplements, it has been much harder to set out research to determine if there should be a reason to stop supplement companies from using SARMs and marketing them to consumers worldwide.

What are the origins of SARMs?

A lot of consumers of body-building supplements don’t have an idea where SARMs came from. But from research, it is clear that SARMs came about by accident. It would probably never be around or take more time to go to the world if not for the research on treatments done by Professor James T Dalton. He was a scientist working on prostate cancer treatments, and it is through this, he identifies the andarine molecule leading to the first SARM.

When this SARM was used for prostate cancer, it mainly showed effects on muscle growth other than the actual cancer treatment. More refined versions were created through the years leading to the current modern SARMs embraced by today’s body-building supplements. Companies have taken advantage of using Dalton’s discoveries to develop supplements that appeal to many consumers all over the world.

Shutting down these manufacturers by the FDA has been challenging, especially since the black market has taken over. Maybe there will come solutions to control the use of unapproved SARMs supplements and movement in the health markets in the future.

The is another concerning trend with SARMS that is the “Stacking” of SARMS together. Some companies sell what are know as SARM Stacks which are 3-4 SARMS sold together in one package. Some of the so-called best SARM stacks help the user bulking mass or removing liquid from the body.

SARMs Side-Effects

As much as there is so much history and issues with regulations around the use of SARMs, it all comes down to how it affects human health. The side effects would be the main determinants if the circulation of SARMs in the market should be allowed or not and if there’s something that can be done to control.

There may be some shreds of evidence from some minor researches done, but they may only be anecdotal. Some of the answers to the use of SARMs mainly come from testimonies from online forums, so that verification may be problematic.
Some of the effects reported by users include skin rashes, high blood pressure, and even impotence. It has become common for users to report problems with their eyesight. They say to have some yellow or green tinge on their vision.

For some of these effects, it is presumed that users may be distorting the information to fit what they are going through since they don’t necessarily appeal to a large number of users. The health experiences differ significantly between consumers, making it even harder to filter out the facts from bias. There is little to no evidence to show any positive or negative results for effects on the brain. Case studies have also had very few personnel who can give adequate results on intake of SARMs for building their muscles.

According to FDA officials, SARMs have the potential to have life-threatening effects on consumers. Mention of effects such as liver toxicity, heart attacks, and strokes are some of the only problems that the FDA claims to be a reason to curb our use of SARMs. For long-term side effects, the FDA also seems not to have any information regarding this factor.

What should be done?

Research is the ultimate way to find information on the use of SARMs. Drug and health regulators must get onboard to implementing strategies for conducting unbiased research on the use of SARMS. The more information we have about the effects of SARMS, the better choices consumers can make when building a better muscular structure.


It is a fact that just like any other drug, SARMs will have their side effects on consumers. But the extent of the side-effects is what is unknown. For the years to come, we will see more crackdowns by the FDA and other health and drug regulators on the use of SARMs. But as long as there is not enough information on the potential long-term threats of SARMs, supplement companies will fight to maintain its benefit for as long as possible.